Support my work

Help Me Continue My Work Safeguarding Sea Turtles!
Thank you for your interest in me and my work!
If you like what I am doing, please consider helping me to continue protecting and researching sea turtles. I cannot do what I am doing without your help.
It only takes 500 of you, who can spare the equivalent of a coffee per month, to make a real change.
Thank you!
Ways to Help
Tax-Deductible Donation via SEE Turtles
SEE Turtles is a 501c3 non-profit organization in the US, and all donations are tax-deductible. Your donations via SEE Turtles, minus credit card fees, will support my organization COASTS and its work in Costa Rica.
Business Collabs & Conservation Crowdfunding
Milkywire is a tech platform enabling companies to address their environmental footprint and comply with new standards for taking action to solve the global climate, biodiversity, and pollution crises. It is a modern crowdfunding platform bridging the gap between people like me, who are working to conserve wildlife, fight climate change, and clean our oceans, and individuals and businesses who care about our world and want action now.
Via Milkywire you can either become a business collaborator, a monthly supporter, or you can make a one-time donation via https://www.milkywire.com/impacters/christine
Deutscher Förderverein ProMar e.V.
In Deutschland gibt es einen gemeinnützigen Verein, der speziell meine Arbeit in Costa Rica unterstützt, ProMar e.V..
Dort könnt ihr per Überweisung oder auch PayPal spenden
oder Fördermitglied werden (https://pro-mar.org/foerdermitglieder/) und auch eine deutsche Spendenquittung erhalten.